Frequently Asked Questions

What is this research for?

This research is intended to update data from 2009 that explained many different issues in the visual arts, such as economic contribution, work force, demographic information and much more. The research is commissioned by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture to enable the sector to be able to make educated decision as regards their work in the Visual Arts, and to inform government on important needs and potential opportunities for developing the Visual Arts sector.

Who should complete the survey?

Anyone who considers themselves as working in the visual arts sector or who considers themselves to be an artist. This includes full time, part time and recreational/hobby artists. It also includes anyone who works as a designer or curator specifically within the visual arts sector, or any company or organisation that is engaged in visual arts. If you work in many different disciplines, some of which are visual arts, you can also complete this survey.

How do you define visual arts?

Visual arts include, but are not limited to:

                        i.         Painting and Drawing

                       ii.         Sculpting

                      iii.         Photography

                      iv.         Print making

                       v.         Performance/Live art

                      vi.         Video art and Sound Art

                    vii.         Installation art

                   viii.         New media/Digital arts/Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

                      ix.         Illustration

                       x.         Graphic art

                      xi.         Social practice art

Other activities that would apply in this survey include, but are not limited to:

                          i.         Education and training services in visual arts

                         ii.         Research in the visual arts

                       iii.         Support services to artists

                       iv.         Art materials supplier

                         v.         Materials manufacture

                       vi.         Materials retail

                      vii.         Production / project management, including commissioning services

                     viii.         Managing / promoting visual artists

                        ix.         Curating exhibitions / projects

                         x.         Designing / installing artworks / exhibitions

                        xi.         Selling artwork

                      xii.         Framing services

                     xiii.         Conservation / restoration services

                     xiv.         Marketing and publicity services in the visual arts or for visual artists

                      xv.         Art publishing, including writing, editorial services, design

                     xvi.         Art media, including writing, editorial services, design

 What if I only work in the arts part-time, should I still take part in the survey?

Yes, this survey has been developed to understand the many different ways that people are working in the visual arts. You will find questions that ask you to clarify how you are working, and how much time you spend in the visual arts.

If you are a visual artist, work in the visual arts arena or are even connected to it some of your time, please take part in the survey.

Can I take part in the survey if I am not living in South Africa but I am a South African citizen? 

Yes, please do take part the survey. You will find a question that asks you where you are from and where you are living now that will help us understand how many South Africans working in the visual arts are operating outside of South Africa.

Can I take part in the survey if I live in South Africa, but I am not a South African citizen?

Yes, please do take part in the survey. You will find questions that will ask you to fill in your demographic information. This will help us understand how many people are working in the visual arts in South Africa, who are not South African.

How will the information in this survey be used?

The survey has been commissioned by the National Department of Sport, Arts and Culture and the data is primarily for the department to better understand the sector and make informed decisions about how to support it. The first version of this survey was undertaken in 2009, and it resulted in a number of important changes for the sector, including the National Art Bank, the Venice Biennale and the development of important policies such as the Artist Resale Right. Similar impacts can emerge from the data of this research.

In addition, the information from this research will be made publicly available through graphs and tables in a final report. This information can be used by interested individuals for further purposes such as further research, teaching, and education, etc.

The data will never be shared in such a way that individuals can be identified.

Will my data be protected?

Yes, your data will be captured in an online system anonymously and will not be identifiable to any individual. Your contact details will only be used to share updates on the research, should you select this option. This data will be kept according to the Andani.Africa data protection policy which you can find here

When will I receive the results of the survey?

The survey results are intended to be shared publicly by September 2024, pending finalisation with the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture.

Until when can I complete the survey?

The survey will run until end of November. Please complete the survey before then, ideally as soon as possible.

Can I start the survey, and complete it later?

Yes, you are able to pause the survey and return to it to complete it. You will just have to be using the same phone or computer to do so, as it is based on the IP address of your device.

How long does the survey take to complete?

The basic survey takes approximately 20mins to complete. However, should you have additional information such as employees or funding information, it can take up to 40mins to complete.

I was recently contacted about a Department of Sports, Arts and Culture survey - is this the same?

Plus 94 Research (PTY)LTD is currently conducting a research study titled “The Perception of Stakeholders on DSAC’s Reputation.” This is not about the visual arts and will not support data and understanding about the visual arts. Our questions are specifically oritented towards developing public knowledge about the Visual Arts Sector so we ask you to complete this one specifically.

Take 25mins to complete the survey...